A Man with a Rifle in the Backyard

Drew Berding

This is a True Story

I got a frantic call from my wife Marilyn: “there’s a man with a rifle in the backyard!” I replied as calmly as I could: “lock the doors, get away from the windows, get to the center of the house, and stay low. I’m coming home as fast as I can.” I drove really fast.

As I approached my cul-de-sac there were four police cars in front of my house with their lights flashing. The cops tried to stop me from getting out of my car but I yelled: “my wife is in that house, I’m going in!” They let me go and yelled for me to stay away from the windows. “There has been a robbery at the Police Supply Store behind your house. The felon was shot in the chest. He has several guns.”

After comforting my wife I called out to one of the cops: “the side door to our garage is always open six inches so our cats can come and go. If that door is closed that means the criminal is in my garage.” They checked and the door was closed!

Immediately a SWAT team formed on my front porch and they kicked open the garage door to the porch. Very dramatic! The robber was not in the garage but there were drops of blood on the floor and some sunglasses. I told the police that they were not mine so they must have belonged to the bad guy.

Apparently he had come over my back fence and gone down the side of my house into my garage, then came through the other door onto my front porch. He tried our front door, but by God’s grace, it was locked. Otherwise my wife might have been a hostage! Thank you Lord for keeping her safe.

Then the criminal staggered across the street, climbed over another fence, crossed another cul-de-sac and repeated that several times until he eluded the cops. They later arrested him when he showed up at a hospital with a serious chest wound.

Can you imagine someone dumb enough to try to stick up a Police Supply Store which was obviously run by an ex-policeman who kept a gun under the counter?

Enough fun for one day.

Photo Attribution: Dominik Sostmann on Unsplash

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NOTE: Bible references unless otherwise stated are from the NASU (New American Standard Updated) copyright the Lockman Foundation.

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