The Clock

Drew Berding

Never yell

The only thing my wife Marilyn inherited was a simple desk-top wind-up pendulum clock in a wooden case.  Even though it had not worked in decades, we kept it on the dining room table for sentimental reasons 

Unfortunately, Marilyn developed Alzheimer’s Disease and became extremely symptomatic.  I took loving care of her 24/7 for years but, I confess, one day I got so frustrated, irritated and exasperated with her that I lost my temper and yelled at her.  

To my amazement, the old clock in the other room immediately went “bong, bong, bong!”  It had never run or made a sound before!  It never did afterward either.

What a clear message from the Lord!  

I never yelled at her again.

Photo from FreePik

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NOTE: Bible references unless otherwise stated are from the NASU (New American Standard Updated) copyright the Lockman Foundation.

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